[Linuxwacom-devel] [PATCH libwacom] data: Add support for the second generation Intuos Pro
Aaron Armstrong Skomra
2017-01-30 17:03:37 UTC
Signed-off-by: Aaron Armstrong Skomra <***@wacom.com>
data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet | 67 +++++++++
data/intuos-pro-2-m.tablet | 67 +++++++++
data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-l.svg | 323 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-m.svg | 323 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 files changed, 780 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet
create mode 100644 data/intuos-pro-2-m.tablet
create mode 100644 data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-l.svg
create mode 100644 data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-m.svg

diff --git a/data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet b/data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6bd811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Wacom
+# Intuos Pro 2 L
+# PTH-860
+# Button Map:
+# (A=1, B=2, C=3, ...)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# A | |
+# B | |
+# C | |
+# D | |
+# I | TABLET |
+# E | |
+# F | |
+# G | |
+# H | |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+# Touch Ring Map:
+# (A=1st ring, B=2nd ring, ...)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# A | TABLET |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+# LED Map:
+# (XY=Bank X, LED Y; *=Invisible)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# | |
+# 01 02 | |
+# | TABLET |
+# 00 03 | |
+# | |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+Name=Wacom Intuos Pro 2 L
diff --git a/data/intuos-pro-2-m.tablet b/data/intuos-pro-2-m.tablet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f84406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/intuos-pro-2-m.tablet
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Wacom
+# Intuos Pro 2 M
+# PTH-660
+# Button Map:
+# (A=1, B=2, C=3, ...)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# A | |
+# B | |
+# C | |
+# D | |
+# I | TABLET |
+# E | |
+# F | |
+# G | |
+# H | |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+# Touch Ring Map:
+# (A=1st ring, B=2nd ring, ...)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# A | TABLET |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+# LED Map:
+# (XY=Bank X, LED Y; *=Invisible)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# | |
+# 01 02 | |
+# | TABLET |
+# 00 03 | |
+# | |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+Name=Wacom Intuos Pro 2 M
diff --git a/data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-l.svg b/data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-l.svg
new file mode 100644
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+ style="text-anchor:start">I</text>
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Peter Hutterer
2017-01-30 23:06:30 UTC
thanks aaron - note that breaks make check here, see below
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet | 67 +++++++++
data/intuos-pro-2-m.tablet | 67 +++++++++
data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-l.svg | 323 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-m.svg | 323 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
4 files changed, 780 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet
create mode 100644 data/intuos-pro-2-m.tablet
create mode 100644 data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-l.svg
create mode 100644 data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-m.svg
diff --git a/data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet b/data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6bd811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Wacom
+# Intuos Pro 2 L
+# PTH-860
+# (A=1, B=2, C=3, ...)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# A | |
+# B | |
+# C | |
+# D | |
+# I | TABLET |
+# E | |
+# F | |
+# G | |
+# H | |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+# (A=1st ring, B=2nd ring, ...)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# A | TABLET |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+# (XY=Bank X, LED Y; *=Invisible)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# | |
+# 01 02 | |
+# | TABLET |
+# 00 03 | |
+# | |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+Name=Wacom Intuos Pro 2 L
0x16802 breaks the dbverify and tablet-validity test, it doesn't exist in
our database. I suspect 0x14802 would too, not sure about the others
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
just to verify: it's really BTN_8 that triggers the modes?

also, something isn't right with the buttons, I get this error when running

(process:13800): libwacom-CRITICAL **: libwacom_get_button_flag: assertion 'button < 'A' + device->num_buttons' failed

Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
diff --git a/data/intuos-pro-2-m.tablet b/data/intuos-pro-2-m.tablet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f84406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/intuos-pro-2-m.tablet
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Wacom
+# Intuos Pro 2 M
+# PTH-660
+# (A=1, B=2, C=3, ...)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# A | |
+# B | |
+# C | |
+# D | |
+# I | TABLET |
+# E | |
+# F | |
+# G | |
+# H | |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+# (A=1st ring, B=2nd ring, ...)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# A | TABLET |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+# (XY=Bank X, LED Y; *=Invisible)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# | |
+# 01 02 | |
+# | TABLET |
+# 00 03 | |
+# | |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+Name=Wacom Intuos Pro 2 M
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Aaron Armstrong Skomra
2017-01-31 22:07:32 UTC
Hi Peter,
Post by Peter Hutterer
thanks aaron - note that breaks make check here, see below
Thanks, hopefully it's not another year before my next commit to libwacom.
I'm likely to forget to run make check again.
Post by Peter Hutterer
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet | 67 +++++++++
data/intuos-pro-2-m.tablet | 67 +++++++++
data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-l.svg | 323 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-m.svg | 323 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
4 files changed, 780 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet
create mode 100644 data/intuos-pro-2-m.tablet
create mode 100644 data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-l.svg
create mode 100644 data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-m.svg
diff --git a/data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet b/data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6bd811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Wacom
+# Intuos Pro 2 L
+# PTH-860
+# (A=1, B=2, C=3, ...)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# A | |
+# B | |
+# C | |
+# D | |
+# I | TABLET |
+# E | |
+# F | |
+# G | |
+# H | |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+# (A=1st ring, B=2nd ring, ...)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# A | TABLET |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+# (XY=Bank X, LED Y; *=Invisible)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# | |
+# 01 02 | |
+# | TABLET |
+# 00 03 | |
+# | |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+Name=Wacom Intuos Pro 2 L
0x16802 breaks the dbverify and tablet-validity test, it doesn't exist in
our database. I suspect 0x14802 would too, not sure about the others
I'll fix this in the update. I should have had the same styli list as the
Mobile Studio Pro.
Post by Peter Hutterer
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
just to verify: it's really BTN_8 that triggers the modes?
Yes with the Pro 2 the mode-switch/led is last in the sequence instead of
Post by Peter Hutterer
also, something isn't right with the buttons, I get this error when running
assertion 'button < 'A' + device->num_buttons' failed
When I look at test/load it looks like this test only applies to the
Intuos 4 WL and that it is supposed to tickle the assertion:

Following critical warning in libwacom_get_button_flag() is expected

(process:23185): libwacom-CRITICAL **: libwacom_get_button_flag: assertion
'button < 'A' + device->num_buttons' failed


Post by Peter Hutterer
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
diff --git a/data/intuos-pro-2-m.tablet b/data/intuos-pro-2-m.tablet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f84406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/intuos-pro-2-m.tablet
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Wacom
+# Intuos Pro 2 M
+# PTH-660
+# (A=1, B=2, C=3, ...)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# A | |
+# B | |
+# C | |
+# D | |
+# I | TABLET |
+# E | |
+# F | |
+# G | |
+# H | |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+# (A=1st ring, B=2nd ring, ...)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# A | TABLET |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+# (XY=Bank X, LED Y; *=Invisible)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# | |
+# 01 02 | |
+# | TABLET |
+# 00 03 | |
+# | |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+Name=Wacom Intuos Pro 2 M
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
diff --git a/data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-l.svg
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
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Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
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Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
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Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
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Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
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Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
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Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
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Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
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Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
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Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
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Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
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Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
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Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
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+ style="text-anchor:start">D</text>
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+ d="M 24 156 c 0 -2 2 -2 2 -2 l
16 0 c 2 0 2 2 2 2 l 0 10
l -20 0 l -0 -10"
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
+ class="H Button"
+ id="ButtonH" />
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+ id="LeaderE"
+ class="E Leader"
+ d="m 46,162 4,0" />
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+ id="LabelE"
+ class="E Label"
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+ y="162"
+ style="text-anchor:start">E</text>
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+ id="g31"
+ transform="translate(-0.26483051,-11.122881)">
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-0.75,-0.33579 -0.75,-0.75 0,-0.41421 0.335786,-0.75 0.75,-0.75 0.414214,0
0.75,0.33579 0.75,0.75 z"
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
+ sodipodi:cx="34"
+ sodipodi:cy="176"
+ sodipodi:rx="0.75"
+ sodipodi:ry="0.75" />
+ <path
+ id="LeaderF"
+ class="F Leader"
+ d="m 46,176 4,0" />
+ <text
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+ class="F Label"
+ x="52"
+ y="176"
+ style="text-anchor:start">F</text>
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+ id="g37"
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+ style="text-anchor:start">G</text>
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+ d="m 24,198 20,0 0,10 c 0,2 -2,2 -2,2 l -16,0 c -2,0 -2,-2 -2,-2
l 0,-10"
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
+ class="D Button"
+ id="path41" />
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+ id="LeaderH"
+ class="H Leader"
+ d="m 46,204 4,0" />
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+ class="H Label"
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+ y="204"
+ style="text-anchor:start">H</text>
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+ id="g48"
+ transform="translate(-0.52966102,-6.0911017)">
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+ id="Ring"
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-10.769553,0 -19.5,-8.73045 -19.5,-19.5 0,-10.76955 8.730447,-19.5
19.5,-19.5 10.769553,0 19.5,8.73045 19.5,19.5 z"
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
+ sodipodi:cx="34"
+ sodipodi:cy="125"
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+ id="LeaderRingCCW"
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+ d="m 34,105 0,-2 26,0" />
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+ d="m 31,111 3,-1.5 0,1 a 7.5,7.5 0 0 1 5,1.5 6.5,6.5 0 0 0
-5,-0.5 l 0,1 z" />
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
+ <path
+ id="LeaderRingCW"
+ class="RingCW Ring Leader"
+ d="m 34,145 0,2 26,0" />
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+ id="LabelRingCW"
+ class="RingCW Ring Label"
+ x="62"
+ y="147"
+ style="text-anchor:start">CW</text>
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+ id="RingCW"
+ class="RingCW Button"
+ d="m 31,139 3,-1.5 0,1 a 7.5,7.5 0 0 0 5,-1 6.5,6.5 0 0 1 -5,2 l
0,1 z" />
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
+ </g>
+ <g
+ id="g57"
+ transform="translate(-0.52966107,-6.0911017)">
+ <circle
+ id="ButtonI"
+ class="I ModeSwitch Button"
+ cx="34"
+ cy="125"
+ r="9.5"
+ d="m 43.5,125 c 0,5.24671 -4.253295,9.5 -9.5,9.5 -5.246705,0
-9.5,-4.25329 -9.5,-9.5 0,-5.24671 4.253295,-9.5 9.5,-9.5 5.246705,0
9.5,4.25329 9.5,9.5 z"
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
+ sodipodi:cx="34"
+ sodipodi:cy="125"
+ sodipodi:rx="9.5"
+ sodipodi:ry="9.5" />
+ <path
+ id="LeaderI"
+ class="I ModeSwitch Leader"
+ d="m 56,125 4,0" />
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+ id="LabelI"
+ class="I ModeSwitch Label"
+ x="62"
+ y="125"
+ style="text-anchor:start">I</text>
+ </g>
Peter Hutterer
2017-02-01 00:04:42 UTC
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
Hi Peter,
Post by Peter Hutterer
thanks aaron - note that breaks make check here, see below
Thanks, hopefully it's not another year before my next commit to libwacom.
I'm likely to forget to run make check again.
hehe. try this:
echo "make check" > .git/hooks/post-commit
chmod +x .git/hooks/post-commit

I *think* this should work.

Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
Post by Peter Hutterer
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet | 67 +++++++++
data/intuos-pro-2-m.tablet | 67 +++++++++
data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-l.svg | 323 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-m.svg | 323 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
4 files changed, 780 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet
create mode 100644 data/intuos-pro-2-m.tablet
create mode 100644 data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-l.svg
create mode 100644 data/layouts/intuos-pro-2-m.svg
diff --git a/data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet b/data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6bd811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/intuos-pro-2-l.tablet
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# Wacom
+# Intuos Pro 2 L
+# PTH-860
+# (A=1, B=2, C=3, ...)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# A | |
+# B | |
+# C | |
+# D | |
+# I | TABLET |
+# E | |
+# F | |
+# G | |
+# H | |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+# (A=1st ring, B=2nd ring, ...)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# A | TABLET |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+# (XY=Bank X, LED Y; *=Invisible)
+# *-----------------------*
+# | |
+# | |
+# 01 02 | |
+# | TABLET |
+# 00 03 | |
+# | |
+# | |
+# *-----------------------*
+Name=Wacom Intuos Pro 2 L
0x16802 breaks the dbverify and tablet-validity test, it doesn't exist in
our database. I suspect 0x14802 would too, not sure about the others
I'll fix this in the update. I should have had the same styli list as the
Mobile Studio Pro.
Post by Peter Hutterer
Post by Aaron Armstrong Skomra
just to verify: it's really BTN_8 that triggers the modes?
Yes with the Pro 2 the mode-switch/led is last in the sequence instead of
Post by Peter Hutterer
also, something isn't right with the buttons, I get this error when running
assertion 'button < 'A' + device->num_buttons' failed
When I look at test/load it looks like this test only applies to the
Following critical warning in libwacom_get_button_flag() is expected
(process:23185): libwacom-CRITICAL **: libwacom_get_button_flag: assertion
'button < 'A' + device->num_buttons' failed